Located in your throat just below your collar bone. Your thyroid, a butterfly shaped gland, is divided into two parts. The Parathyroid gland which controls production and the Thyroid gland which produces the hormones your body needs to regulate your Basal metabolism system, which converts calories into energy. It also is part of your Endocrine system which regulates your Adrenal system.
Your Thyroid is what's supposed to be turning those calories, that are ending up on your hips and thighs, into the energy and vibrancy you're looking for in life. Many things can affect your Thyroid gland. Stress, over exposure to toxins, industrial chemicals, pesticides, or radiation can be all cause your Thyroid to malfunction. How can you tell if your Thyroid is malfunctioning? Simply if you are always tried, feel run down, and are having trouble with your weight. Your Thyroid could use a boost.
Your Thyroid needs Iodine and Amino Acids, and not just any kind remember life comes from the sea. Your Thyroid gland craves nutrient rich sea vegetables called Nori witch give your Thyroid everything it needs to function properly. The best example I can think of is the Japanese diet. As a whole there are very few over weight people in Japan, even though their diets are high in carbohydrates, this is because along with all the rice, they consume large amounts of sea vegetation which is loaded with Iodine and Amino Acids.
Clinical testing has proven that a properly nourished Thyroid gland promotes thyroid hormonal production. So how doe's this effect the rest of your body? Well it supports your bones, protects agent osteoporosis, aids in sexual health, maintains adrenal production and controls your metabolic rate. Not bad for adding a little sea weed to your diet.
Your Thyroid gland and your Pituitary gland are parts of the same system and both crave the same nourishment. Iodine and Amino Acids in your Pituitary gland produce and control your adrenal or adrenaline levels, estrogen levels and testosterone levels. Pretty important stuff if you want to fell young and vigorous.
Stress in the work space, in our home lives and all around use plays havoc on our adrenal system. From world events to traffic on the freeway all work to cause our Pituitary gland to pump into our bodys hormones and adrenaline. Which all over stretch our bodys ability to produce these chemicals.
When we were cavemen and cavewomen these chemicals helped use cop with loins and tigers this is called our fight or flight reflex. Now day's, however, these responses to the everyday events that cause stress in our lives are inappropriate but those chemicals are still working the same way.
Hormones that cause inflammation once protected use from mortal wounds now keep our cells from detoxifying. Other hormones which were meant to make us crave food after a fight now make us crave sugary and fatty food leading to obesity. The build up of adrenaline in your system causes you to feel stressed-out and can lead to over anxiety and depression.
The biggest Key to having a healthy hormonal system which includes your Thyroid is not only feeding it but using it for what it was meant for. Daily exercise and a good punching bag to burn off these chemicals and hormones will not only make your thyroid healthier but will make you feel better and much less irritable. - 31861
Your Thyroid is what's supposed to be turning those calories, that are ending up on your hips and thighs, into the energy and vibrancy you're looking for in life. Many things can affect your Thyroid gland. Stress, over exposure to toxins, industrial chemicals, pesticides, or radiation can be all cause your Thyroid to malfunction. How can you tell if your Thyroid is malfunctioning? Simply if you are always tried, feel run down, and are having trouble with your weight. Your Thyroid could use a boost.
Your Thyroid needs Iodine and Amino Acids, and not just any kind remember life comes from the sea. Your Thyroid gland craves nutrient rich sea vegetables called Nori witch give your Thyroid everything it needs to function properly. The best example I can think of is the Japanese diet. As a whole there are very few over weight people in Japan, even though their diets are high in carbohydrates, this is because along with all the rice, they consume large amounts of sea vegetation which is loaded with Iodine and Amino Acids.
Clinical testing has proven that a properly nourished Thyroid gland promotes thyroid hormonal production. So how doe's this effect the rest of your body? Well it supports your bones, protects agent osteoporosis, aids in sexual health, maintains adrenal production and controls your metabolic rate. Not bad for adding a little sea weed to your diet.
Your Thyroid gland and your Pituitary gland are parts of the same system and both crave the same nourishment. Iodine and Amino Acids in your Pituitary gland produce and control your adrenal or adrenaline levels, estrogen levels and testosterone levels. Pretty important stuff if you want to fell young and vigorous.
Stress in the work space, in our home lives and all around use plays havoc on our adrenal system. From world events to traffic on the freeway all work to cause our Pituitary gland to pump into our bodys hormones and adrenaline. Which all over stretch our bodys ability to produce these chemicals.
When we were cavemen and cavewomen these chemicals helped use cop with loins and tigers this is called our fight or flight reflex. Now day's, however, these responses to the everyday events that cause stress in our lives are inappropriate but those chemicals are still working the same way.
Hormones that cause inflammation once protected use from mortal wounds now keep our cells from detoxifying. Other hormones which were meant to make us crave food after a fight now make us crave sugary and fatty food leading to obesity. The build up of adrenaline in your system causes you to feel stressed-out and can lead to over anxiety and depression.
The biggest Key to having a healthy hormonal system which includes your Thyroid is not only feeding it but using it for what it was meant for. Daily exercise and a good punching bag to burn off these chemicals and hormones will not only make your thyroid healthier but will make you feel better and much less irritable. - 31861
About the Author:
At Healthy Life Choice Herbal Store We Sell A Product Called Thyromine for thyroid problems . Robert Read owner of Healthy Life Choice Herbal Store is committed to giving his customers all the information they need to make healthy life choices. Act now and get two bottles free www.healthlifechoice.com